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During my last year at High school I chose to study Higher photography as one of my subjects, for the first half of the course we learned how to set up the camera and learn different type of photography like studio photography and outdoor photography etc. After getting a rough idea of how use the camera we had to do a mini project which consisted of both indoor and outdoor photography in a presentation using power point


















Shortly after starting the project around October time I left Dundee and went for two weeks to my home city back in Poland called Poznan to visit family and take a brake as I haven’t been abroad for two years due to work and Cadets that had a two week camp running during the summer Holidays. During my visit in Poznan I had the chance to borrow a DSLR camera and would often go around the city, to take photographs of buildings and sculpture which caught my eye the most.






When I got back to Dundee, it was simply the matter of editing/adjusting the photographs I took into Photoshop programme and then converting them onto my presentation along with the evidence such as the screenshots of the editing process.


Once we finished the first half of our course/module we were given a choice of either doing a project on indoor/studio photography or outdoor photography, already knowing that I feel more comfortable and effective doing outdoor rather indoor photography I made my decision rather quickly, however simply saying that I want to do that wasn’t enough we had to do research pick an inspirational photographer which I will explain why later and pick a theme.


At the start of this new project we were told to go on Pinterest and make a new board and start pinning/saving every photograph we liked down and start slowly narrowing down in order to find a theme/style and then show to our teacher and hope to get green light to start photo shoots which we had to have six with two finals at least. Eventually after two weeks of research I decided to do reflection photography through water, After establishing what I'm going to do my next step was to set select locations where I'm going to take photographs for my photo shoots.



I already had an idea of couple of places I'm going to use which weren’t all in Dundee but around the area in that way I didn’t stick to one city like some people did however I had an advantage as myself and my family would often go and do trips to see castles, beaches forests and mountains etc so I had a rough idea what places are good to use for my photo shoots.

For every photo shoot I did for my project I had to plan that includes a check list of all the equipment that I'm going to use and explain why those specifically as well as checking the weather forecast and explain that as well why I'm going to do my photo shoot specifically in that weather, however some of my photo shoots weren’t planned and simply just happened which I understand isn’t a professional way of taking photographs but believe it or not those not planned or at least not fully came out better than the others.


Once I had completed all the photo shoots I moved onto the  editing process all over again just like in the mini project/practice I had to  have evidence of the process by screenshots and also do annotations etc. This was the longest but also necessary to complete the course and get the grade, here is my final presentation with all my work for that project including my final photographs.




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